Living your best life with an Aging Life Care Manager!

What is an aging life care manager? We are professionals experienced in working within the aging healthcare field and familiar with local resources and providers for various needs. Our goal is always to help our clients live their best life! We empower our clients to make decisions that promote their wellbeing given all the unique challenges they face. Most often we are helping clients maintain independence in their own homes through various supportive measures. If home is no longer an option, we assist in relocation to the most suitable housing for the individual as well.

Who can benefit from an aging life care manager? The individual who is looking to age in their desired manner, but also their family. Often an adult child is juggling their own family and career while trying to support their parent’s aging needs. We support the family with our expertise in navigating the healthcare system and giving dignity to their parents wishes.

When is an aging life care manager used most often? We enjoy meeting with clients and families at any stage, assisting in difficult conversations and planning for the future, however, most of our calls come in during a crisis. We are able to help make decisions during discharge plans from a hospital or when a new diagnosis or safety concern arises. We also help with coordinating day to day care needs for clients, helping them avoid the crisis when possible.

What is unique about Aging Advocates CNY?

Our approach is unique in that we work as a team and immediately assess the client’s whole picture on an individual basis. We believe that the more information we have and the better we get to know our client, the more successful we will be in advocating for them. Our team has an array of expertise and knowledge, so together our clients get the best experience. We also follow a strict code of ethics and standards of practice through the Aging Life Care Association®. We do no accept referral fees or commissions for any services we recommend, so our clients can be confident that we are only working for their best interest.

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